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Fossil Fuels Day

This internationally commemorated day is named by combining April Fool's Day with our growing awareness of the foolishness of relying on fossil fuels. It is celebrated with demonstrations around the world. Bill McKibben's movement calls us to "Leave it in the ground!" meaning that we should rely on renewable energy that is above ground, like air and sunshine, and leave the coal, oil and gas buried in the ground.

In Laudato Si' Pope Francis joins the sentiments of this movement when he writes in paragraph 165: We know that technology based on the use of highly polluting fossil fuels - especially coal, but also oil and, to a lesser degree, gas - needs to be progressively replaced without delay.

You probably won't be thinking about renewable energy on Easter Sunday, but any time is a good time to remember who we really are - people shining like the sun who desire a clean renewable energy future. Let's treasure that memory every day and act on it.

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